Atom that makes no sense

Abiotic nature is about the lack of life, meaning that everything that happens during the galaxy construction occurs in mechanical order. Therefore nothing evolves by accident or for good reason, because the abiotic nature operates like a chain reaction, where by the one event it causes the next events to happen automatically. Hence, nature-made atomic construction is limited to primeval mass-particles only. Thus nature uses mass-particles instead of atoms as the building blocks in every phase the galaxy evolves. So let’s compare nature-made, simple building blocks to atoms, which are assembled as per obtained information on the particle accelerator and quantum mechanics. This experiment leads into an atomic construction, whose complexity science can’t explain in regard to how atoms evolved. For example how can one explain quarks, which evolved in one terasecond after the big bang event, at the same time evolving into six different types, having different energy values. That’s all the science can offer, no clarifying details of how quarks and their complex system evolved, yet the complete atomic systems is based on quarks. The image of a solid mass-particle makes sense to be used as building block for matter. This heavy mass-particle is made of variable number of mass-bits which can accumulate into different size elements of the matter during earth’s cooling process, instead during the big bang event. So what can be said to defend the scientific atom which is not a practically workable particle? There is another questionable item regarding electrons in the atom, because it makes no sense that they don’t have any structural strength to speak of. The orbiting electrons in their shells have insignificant mass, so they lack supporting mechanical structure, yet the presence of orbiting electrons accounts for more than 98 percent of the total empty atomic space. Also the electron cells have no mechanical structure, nor does the nucleus give any structural support, because it’s sort of floating in the open space in the middle of circling electrons.

The image of mass-bit-particles makes sense, because the matter in variable format requires accumulated balls made of variable number of mas-bit-particles 

Scientific atoms are basically empty open structure, has no mechanical support for nuclei and circling electrons, therefore it can’t be naturally evolved source for the solid matter.  

Also the electron cells have no mechanical structure, nor does the nucleus give any structural support, because it’s sort of floating in the open space in the middle of circling electrons. In mechanical sense, the insignificant mass of five circling electrons separate each atom, everywhere the matter exists. What’s more, in order to get a visual idea of the atoms’ emptiness, consider this: If a nucleus is a tiny pencil dot, then the electrons are circling some three long steps away from the nucleus. So, its not possible for such empty atoms to stay together without getting crushed inside Earth’s molten core, because the core of each planet is under extremely high pressure including the Sun, and so does Earth, which generates an internal temperature near 5000 C. Hence, a scientific atom has no chance to exist in such environment as planet Earth has. In fact atoms evolve when the crusts of planet Earth has cooled down until a thick surface layer allows mass particles to begin to accumulate into atoms of various size. As expressed before, the mass-bit-particle is a solid object that cannot be destroyed by any means, and because the Milky Way galaxy evolved strictly from the primeval mass-bit-particles, thus all Stars we observe are made of mass-particles only. In conclusion, these lightweight scientific atoms don’t seem like a good idea, and most importantly abiotic nature has no resources to make such atoms at any state the matter